Fenton High School

Teacher of the Year Nominee Check Presentation

State Road & Gerry Brooks PD

Student using Technology


Fenton Area Public Schools is committed to providing educational excellence, in collaboration with our community, and developing innovative leaders for a global society.


   Fenton Area Public Schools


Fenton Area Public Schools students are empowered to excel in an evolving world.


   Fenton Area Public Schools

Our Four Focus Areas of Success

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Strategic Plan Pictures
Fenton Area Public Schools Strategic plan 2022-2027. Vision FAPS students are empowered to excel in an evolving world. Community, Collaboration, Opportunity, safety, Success. Focus Areas of Success: Facilities, Long term stabilization, student and staff support and development, community and parent engagement. Mission: FAPS is committed to providing education excellence, in collaboration with our community, and developing innovative leaders for a global society. List of schools: world of wonder/ellen st., north road elementary, state road elementary, tomek-eastern elementary, ags middle school, fenton high schools, 3 district virtual school, Phone Number: 810-591-4700,, 3100 own road, fenton, MI 48430

Click to View our Strategic Plan

What is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is the process of setting goals and creating a blueprint for our district's future. Our Strategic Planning Team consists of our Superintendent, member(s) of the Board of Education, Administrators, Directors, Staff, Student(s), and Parents. Fenton's Strategic Plan will run through June 2027.

The foundation of our Strategic Plan is built upon four Focus Areas of Success: Facilities, Community & Parent Engagement, Student & Staff Support & Development, and Long Term Stabilization.

Our "Why" for each Focus Area


Stakeholders express dissatisfaction with the antiquation of the facilities in our district. They also expect to see an increase in diverse staff. Across all stakeholder groups, participants cite a need for the teaching staff to reflect the region where we reside.

Community & Parent Engagement

As stewards of the taxpayer's dollars, stakeholders rightfully hold the district to a high standard of fiscal responsibility. As a result, there is an expectation that the district annually provides a balanced budget, generates revenue, and aligns expenditures to the priorities of this strategic plan.  As well as ensure we have the appropriate human and financial resources to carry out the district's Strategic Plan and mission and vision.

Student & Staff Support & Development

Stakeholders believe we need more extensive mental health support and social-emotional learning for our students, families, and staff. Students expressed a desire for the district to help them manage stress and wellness. Stakeholders also highlight diversity in opportunities as a critical element for attracting students, and they want equity in voice, opportunities, and resources for all schools.  Stakeholders also stressed the importance of a robust multi-tiered system of support that would eliminate disproportionate academic outcomes. Further, they expressed a desire for the district to focus more intensely on life skills and career readiness.

Long-Term Stabilization

Stakeholders expressed interest in strengthening the family and community connections with FAPS. Building  strong relationships between schools, families, and community members can positively affect student achievement and outcomes.  When families and community members are involved in student learning, students improve their academic performance and gain advocates that promote their success, helping them feel more confident at school.

Strategic Plan Cycle 22-27

District SWOT Analyses


Education is a shared responsibility of students, families, school, and community.

All learners deserve equity and opportunity in their education. 

High expectations promote success. 

Learners are entitled to a safe and caring environment. 

It's essential to promote the development of students to become:

Knowledgeable, An Inquirer, A Thinker, A Communicator, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, A Risk-Taker, Balanced, and Reflective.