
Art Class

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I have worked in education for 20 years, 11 with FAPS! I love gardening, biking, walks and spending time with my family. I am so proud to be a FAPS teacher!
- Mrs.Duncan, 3rd Grade

I have been working in education for 5 years, most of that time I have been with FAPS. I love working out, spending time with my family and watching my kids in their sports and other activities. I believe everything happens for a reason!
- Mrs.Simeoni, 3rd Grade

I have been in education and worked in FAPS for 25 years! I love to spend time with my family (husband Travis was 1992 Fenton grad, son Mason was a 2020 Fenton grad and my daughter Mackenzie is a senior at Fenton High School. I love to take my dog for walks. I love to read books, go boating.
- Mrs. Turner, 3rd Grade

I have been a first grade teacher at Tomek for 3 years and have worked in education for 7 years! I love reading, camping and going places with my husband and Dog, Charlie!
- Mrs. Witherspoon, 1st Grd.

I am so thankful to have taught in fenton for the past 25 years. I have met so many amazing families. I love seeing so many of them in Fenton when I am out and about! Thanks to all who make this community a great place to live.
- Mrs. Horton, 1st Grd.

I have been teaching at Tomek for 4 years and working in education for 8. I love Traveling, being outdoors, spending time with my family and friends, and going up north to our family cabin.
- Mrs. Garza, 1st Grd.

I have worked for Fenton for 14 years and I'm in year 3 as an ASP Parapro! I love to travel, read, and spend time with my family!
- Mrs. Novak, ASP Parapro

Charlie loves to greet students in the morning and visit classrooms throughout the day.
- Charlie The Therapy Dog

I have been teaching for over 12 years and this is my 4th year in Fenton at Tomek-Eastern! As you can probably tell, I LOVE ART!
- Mrs. Hamilton, Art Teacher