March Book Madness 2023 is a literary version of basketball's March Madness. For March Book Madness, students read from a list of 16 selected books, completed some book club activities with our librarian, and in March voted in a bracket-style for the "Sweet 16", "Great 8", "Final 4" and an ultimate book winner. In addition, all students in my class were able to participate in the picture book version.
We were lucky enough to have our local PBS Station (Delta College) come out to tape our students talking about book club and giving book recommendations. Links to their tapings, which were shown throughout the month of March on TV and featured on the Michigan Learning Channel Facebook page, are included below. Additionally, students shared something about a picture book they listened to, a comment about the whole group novel A Rover’s Story, a read aloud reflection, book club format, or any opportunity that they enjoyed due to the books we were able to purchase with the grant in the following chart..
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
World of Wonder's Open House is on Thursday! Please spread the word with your friends and neighbors with little ones. We love to share our programs.
over 1 year ago, Becky Duncan
Mrs. Eastman's class got to play Secret Chicken recently. Secret Chicken is a rhythm game that's a 2nd grade favorite. Students listen to rhythms played by a rubber chicken and then write them down on their paper. Then, they reference a decoder page to find a letter that goes with each 4-beat rhythm. After 6 (or 7, or more!) letters, the secret location of the chicken is revealed. I wonder where chicken hid this week?
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Thank you to board member Matt Welch for coming to read and chat with us. We appreciate your support!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
2nd Graders in Mrs.Eastman's classes visited Adopt A Pet of Fenton today. They practiced reading and spent some time with adorable dogs!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Tomek Eastern is highlighting different careers at Career Camp as part of March is Reading Month! This week, students learned from various career speakers including Emergency Medicine, Nursing, English Professor, Property Management, Fire Fighting, University Librarian, and Hairstylist! We are so excited to celebrate careers each Monday in March!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Cards for a Cause boxes have arrived!! Pickup times are Wednesday, March 1st from 4-7p.m. and Thursday, March 2nd from 12:30-3:30p.m. near the cafeteria doors.
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Back by popular demand, our Crust fundraiser runs March 1 through 15! Look for packets coming home this week.
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Tomek-Eastern is looking for a noon aide! If you are interested in working in a school enviroment and having a flexible schedule this job is for you! Please reach out to the principal if you are interested in applying.
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Snow day tomorrow 2/22! Stay safe and warm!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
The keyboards are back! Students in all of Tomek's 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes will be spending plenty of time over the next several months working on their piano playing and music reading skills. Here's a look at some of the students in Mr. Larsen's and Mrs. Skergan's classes as they begin their work.
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Light Up the Night has been rescheduled due to weather conditions. Join us Friday, February 17th from 6:00-8:00pm for a fun night of illumination. $10 cash per family at the door.
over 1 year ago, Becky Duncan
Students from Mrs. Horst's class won the “Let’s Read Challenge” by tracking the number of minutes our class read during the school days in October and November. Today, a representative from the Delta College PBS channel came to Tomek to deliver the prizes, encourage kids to read, and tell more about the Michigan Learning Channel.
A small group of students who participate in a book club with our librarian, Mrs. Ord, were filmed talking about March Book Madness, book club and giving some book recommendations. If you get the PBS Station - Delta College, you’ll be able to see them on TV during the month of March!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
5th grade book club tried hard tack and johnny cakes that soldiers ate during the civil war. This went along with the current book we are reading “The Secret Battle of Evan Pao”
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Next week is Be Kind Week and Tomek has the spirit!! We are spreading kindness during Be Kind Week and Valentine's Day. Join Tomek and show the world just how kind our Tigers can be!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Third graders were able to enhance their understanding of Michigan’s history with Genot Picor yesterday. He brought artifacts, knowledge, historical games, animal furs/tracks/skulls, song, storytelling, dance and joy of learning. Thanks to Tomek PTO and families‘ support of fundraising for experiences like this!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Mrs.Mavis's second grade class spent their Global Day of Play playing outside at Ligon Outdoor Center. They played team building games and learned how to snowshoe.
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Classrooms at Tomek-Eastern had a great time participating in the Global Day of Play yesterday! Visit our Tomek-Eastern Elementary Facebook page for more images.
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Our cards for a cause fundraiser wraps up next week! Please take a look at these beautifully crafted cards and see which box would be best for you!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary
Second graders took action when they noticed how dog poop was making their play area a mess! Mrs. Mavis’s class made signs with attached dog bags and placed them around the playground to remind local pet owners to help keep our play area clean!
over 1 year ago, Tomek-Eastern Elementary